Save the planet!Be eco-efficient, be IPCEAT!Plant this idea!Play it fair: Recycle!Reuse: less waste, more life!
The Institute of Research and Consulting of Technological Advanced Studies aims to promote sustainable development through innovative solutions.
Eco-efficiency: building a more sustainable future starts here! Being eco-efficient means revealing the efficiency of prevention and protection actions, reducing environmental impact.
To participate in partnership with municipalities and entities interested in the economy, education, environment, social issues, health, communication, culture, and in the formulation and implementation of local development policies.
To elaborate, seek, direct, stimulate, develop, promote, act and certify scientific, technological, economic, environmental, social, educational and cultural development actions for public and private sector organizations.
• Knowledge sharing
• Responsibility
• Transparency
• Cooperation
• Innovation
• Performance
Created in 2007 in the city of Poços de Caldas – MG, we are a non-profit organization, pioneering in actions for sensitization, mobilization, and engagement for a better life.
Today, headquartered in the city of Vassouras – RJ, we maintain our actions and develop activities focused on behavior change in the areas of Education, Communication, Economy, Technology, Social Issues, Health, Culture, and Environment.
IPCEAT believes that behavior change is fundamental to building a more just, equal, sustainable, and profitable society and works tirelessly to make this a reality.
TV Program – Visão Geral: A different way of looking – IPCEAT / TV PLAN / Radio Difusora de Poços de Caldas
Exporta Sul de Minas Award – IPCEAT / TV PLAN / Visão Geral TV Program
Design and execution of Self-sustainable Selective Collectors – IPCEAT
Eco-efficiency Certification by IPCEAT – Delaplastic Ind e Com. Ltda / Cristais São Marcos / Atelier Emerson Garcia
Enaex 2019 (National Meeting of Exporters), presentation of self-sustainable selective collectors – IPCEAT
Participation and presentation of selective collectors at the event Cultivating Good Water – Itaipu – IPCEAT
The IPCEAT works towards transforming society and promoting the well-being of people, aiming for a future that is more just, equal, and sustainable.
Eco-efficiency is a philosophy of sustainable development that encourages companies of any sector, size, and geographic location to become more innovative, competitive, and environmentally responsible.
Products with creativity and utilization.
It is the reuse of a particular product, transforming it into raw material for the manufacture of another product.
We should think about acquiring only what we really need and preferably from companies that are concerned about the environment.
Being conscious in consumption, production, and daily attitudes. For example, properly disposing of waste. Rethinking is the beginning of change.
Being conscious about consumption, production, and daily behaviors, such as how to properly dispose of waste, is crucial. It all starts with rethinking our habits.
The 5 Rs of sustainability are concepts that aim to reduce waste generation, stimulating a change in behavior regarding consumption and how we deal with the waste we generate.
Together, we ensure sustainability: with energy efficiency, responsible management of natural resources, promotion of local development and social well-being, the IPCEAT certification is the choice for a sustainable future
PNRS 12.305/10
CONAMA 307/2002
LEI 462/1993
LEI 972/1995
LEI 1.131/1996
LEI 1.146/1996
LEI 5.418/2014
ABTN PR 2030
Decreto 11414/23
The Eco-efficiency certification issued by IPCEAT presupposes a real and practical commitment of the company to the protection and development of the environment.
Through a transparent and rigorous process that requires clear and precise disclosure of sustainable practices adopted by the company.
The certification encourages innovation and continuous improvement of sustainable practices adopted by the company, which promote savings and profitability.
The certification promotes recognition by customers, partners, and stakeholders as a clear indication that the company is committed to preservation and sustainability practices, thus enhancing its credibility.
IPCEAT has an objective eco-efficiency certification process, with actions that directly improve internal processes, promoting savings, profits, and positive environmental impact.
Currently, companies, suppliers, and investors are increasingly seeking more sustainable businesses and products that demonstrate a commitment to the environment.